How to Prepare for a New Routine
Was your 2020 resolution to go to the gym or exercise more? Making progress on this promise might seem daunting during or after quarantine. For many of us, starting to get back into a regular exercise requires a major shift in our day-to-day routines. After being inactive for possibly months, there are a few things that are important to focus on. Fuel For Fire is all about making it easier to live a healthy lifestyle. Here are our tips for preparing for a new exercise or gym routine!
Don’t Rush Into Your Old Routines
If you’ve taken some time off from working out, don’t try to make up for those days you’ve missed. Trying to fit everything you can into one day is tempting, but this approach can be detrimental. If your body isn’t ready, your risk for injury is increased and injuries can delay your return even longer. Take things slow and build up to what you were doing before the quarantine. Your body will thank you in the long-term.
That being said, take advantage of your rest days. Activities like yoga, walking, and stretching might not be what you’re used to, but while your body is recovering, these are great ways to still sneak in a bit of exercise. These particular choices can also compliment your exercise regiment, whether it’s running or lifting weights.
Eat Healthy
Fuel For Fire places a premium on healthy eating. While you may need days off from exercising, healthy eating is something you can practice every day. You don’t need to completely revamp your diet at the start, but taking small steps can help lead to bigger and more effective changes. For example, drinking Fuel For Fire smoothies as a snack is a great source of protein and vitamins. This will keep you full for longer and helps build muscles in the process.
Try meal prepping to make sure you stay on track for your healthy eating journey. It’s okay to treat yourself every once in a while, but planning your meals ahead of time can make sure you stick to your plan. This is also the perfect time to try new, healthier recipes. For example, check out our blog for protein-filled pancakes!
Exercise Smarter, Not Harder
Similar to our first gym tip, take this time to create a plan for how you’d like to resume exercising. There are so many fantastic websites and apps that allow you to create workouts and visually see how much you have planned for a certain day. At least at first, sticking to lighter and easier workouts allow you to ramp up the difficulty of your desired workload over time. If you’ve been infrequently working out—or not at all—during quarantine, going back to basics is a great way to practice form and let your body relearn what it needs to know.
Use online resources and videos to your advantage. If you can’t make it to the gym or it’s raining during your planned run, take this time to educate yourself on fitness tips. Creating a consistent workout plan should first start by knowing the basics. From there, you can fully customize your exercise routine to fit your lifestyle and goals.
Getting back to your gym routine is a challenging task, but hopefully, these tips can help you achieve your exercise goals! Learn more about Fuel for Fire or take a look at our healthy smoothie options!