Nutrition Series: Sweet Potato Apple
It's common knowledge for many that Whey Protein Isolate is the Gold Standard in protein for performance and recovery, but we like to aim high, so we paired Protein with superfoods to create the ultimate healthy snack.
In our Sweet Potato Apple Smoothies we chose Sweet Potatoes, one of the best complex carbohydrates you can eat for sustained energy, muscle and bone function and recovery, and paired them with apples to help extend endurance and boost your immune system. Both foods are naturally sweet and with the addition of super-spice cinnamon, we created the perfect pie-like flavor profile to satisfy your nutritional needs without compromising on taste.
Sweet Potatoes:
✓ Excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
✓ High in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
✓ Powerful source of Vitamin A, helps boost immunity and promote eye, skin and bone health.
✓ High in dietary fiber, keeps you full and regular.
✓ Also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin C which is necessary for the growth, development and repair of all body tissues.
✓ Extremely rich in important antioxidant flavonoids.
✓ High in phytonutrients which may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.
✓ Good source of dietary fiber.
Don't overlook the cinnamon--as little as 1/2 of one teaspoon of cinnamon daily can have positive effects on blood sugar levels, digestion, immunity, and more.